
Sponsor a workshop

Training Support

WIN believes that everyone should have the opportunity to build the career they love.  Negotiation is a skill that can be taught, learned, and continuously refined. WIN Together gives disadvantaged women the chance to access these specialized development workshops.

By becoming a workshop sponsor, you not only provide funding to WIN Together’s programs and services, but also provides wonderful branding opportunities for your business or organization. If you are interested in sponsoring a future workshop, please contact us at hello@wintogether.co.


 Partner with us

Become a Strategic Partner

Are you interested in developing a strategic partnership with WIN Together? We welcome inquiries and would be happy to identify synergies that could create mutually beneficial opportunities. Please contact our team to explore the possibility of collaborating further.


Become an Individual Champion

If you would like to support our mission to enhance professional development training for all and making a difference in the lives of women, you can take action by making a one time or monthly donation.